the apple store.

The Apple Store is a renovation project, once was a residential villa in Amman, Jordan, instead of Building from scratch having an already built building and renovating it was the more sustainable option. The idea of having an Apple store in Amman is already something everybody wants and needs, especially that while most people are interested in the company products, Apple Stores look amazing and stand out from most other retail businesses on the streets. The Building was designed according to the Architectural identity of Apple, having the signature lit up Apple logo of the facade when you are entering the building. The Main concept of the store was to prevent contagious diseases from spreading in a closed space and to use architecture and interior design to reduce the risk of Covid-19


  • Grow it.

    Bugs, mosquitoes, and flies, can spread diseases such as malaria and many more ,having a green wall with insect repelling plants in it would make the environment safer for customers .

  • Distance it.

    By having guidelines on the floors people can have a safe distance from each other and be more organized so 2x2 meter stone tiles are installed all over the store’s floors.

  • Build it.

    The building is very open and fluid, having no interior walls to seperate each area and having big openings on each elevation for high ventilation and airflow.

The design of the building was inspired by the successful Mac-book laptop by Apple, The Roof was designed to look like the laptop from top. They used Aluminium and  the Apple logo used to turn on using an LED light when the laptop is used.

Ground Floor Plan


The Ground floor welcomes you through 6 meter pivot doors to the AVENUE hall that overlooks the -1 floor plan. The Avenue is Apple’s name for the product shelving and interactive accessory displays , Avenues are characterized by their wood display. There is also a green wall that is stretched along the building and along it follows the glass stairs. Panoramic lifts are integrated on the south façade of the building so that visitors can look at the fantastic views from the building.

Reaching floor -1 you will find the Forum facing you which is an area with a video wall and lots of wooden benches. The video wall is the focal point of every store equipped with a Forum. Used to host Today at Apple sessions, highlight artwork, and display product marketing videos, each video wall is either 6K or 8K resolution and assembled from of a series of tiled LED display units.   


Floor Plan -1

Reaching the top floor you will find a rooftop garden, so that the visitors can enjoy the views of the city and to be surrounded by greenery after looking at screens for a long time at the store. The customers can also enjoy a snack or read a book in the fresh air.